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A Tatreez Fundraiser for Lebanon & Gaza

Writer's picture: SamiaSamia

Tatreez as an art form is political and many Palestinian practitioners have been stripped of the ability to practice. Our growing global community does not take this lightly and identifies holding and practicing this generational knowledge as a privilege and - we've decided to take action.

Collectively, we have been working on creating a set of small pieces to auction off, the proceeds of which will then be 100% donated to communities on the ground - to individuals working directly with those impacted by the Beirut explosion.

In the days following the explosion, amidst our auction planning, we witnessed renewed Zionist oppression and violence in Gaza. We then decided to expand our fundraiser to send resources to both Lebanon and Gaza. Each of the pieces photographed below will be auctioned off to generate resources for our communities back home.

Details: The auction will take place via Instagram from Friday September 4th - Sunday September 6th. You can bid on a piece by replying directly to the Instagram stories where pieces will be featured. If you’re not on Instagram and are coming across this virtual fundraiser via Facebook or a friend, you can also reach out via a Facebook message to the Tales of Tatreez Facebook page to send a bid or donation amount.

Whether or not you bid on or win an auction item, you may still be moved to support this initiative. Any donation of $10 or more will receive complementary tatreez motif stickers designed and donated by Roba Yusuf.


You can submit your donation amount via Venmo to @tatreezing (click here) or @Lina_Barkawi (click here) with the subject line of: For Beirut & Gaza. We’ll be able to follow up with you via Venmo (or Paypal - see below) and social media to thank you for your donations and share the impact our collective resources are able to generate for our communities on the ground in Beirut and Gaza.


Alternatively, you can submit your donation amount via Paypal by clicking here.

Check out some of the donated pieces below:

Below the collection of pieces you can find the names of each contributing artist and links to each artist's social media if you'd like to stay connected.

These pieces have been created and donated by the following artists:

Where are the funds going? Who will be supported?

In a previous fundraiser, we sent donations to the Lebanese Red Cross - an organization doing incredible work on the ground to support individuals who have been directly impacted. We are directing our current efforts at individuals and organizers providing direct support on the ground in the form of groceries and meals for families in both Beirut & Gaza. Please message one of the organizers or participants to learn more if you have questions. We will provide proof of the resources sent to anyone who donates as well as publicly announce the resources raised.


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